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Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Grocery Challenge Day #4

Today is day #4 of the grocery challenge. Oops. Madison and I didn't eat breakfast. Lunch today was tomato soup. Tonight for dinner is bbq chicken, corn, tomatoes, yogurt and biscuits. I didn't spend any money on food today. I am going to have to buy some milk soon and other groceries so I can "stock up" on food for the upcoming weeks. Dillons has a pretty good ad this week.

Grocery Challenge Day #3

Yesterday was day #3 of the grocery challenge. One thing I didn't post was that my husband and 3 of our kids were trail bike riding for four days and 3 nights. They rented a cabin which had a kitchenette. I packed food for them so they wouldn't have to eat out. So, when you see I had frozen pizza or something so simple, that was because it was either just me or my daughter and me. Otherwise, I would have cooked a better meal for the 6 of us. Last night I only snacked for dinner because I took Madison out to a movie and we bought a $5 bag of popcorn. That brings my total to $22.56 out of my $50 grocery spending for the week. Not bad. For lunch yesterday Madison and I had pizza rolls.